Online Therapy Blog

Confessions of an Online Therapist
writing blog about online therapy counselling

My First steps as an Online Therapist.

Melissa Stringer is an old hand at Online Therapy. A few years back she transformed her private psychotherapy practice into an online exclusively practice. Prior to that, she conducted therapy in a traditional face-to-face format for nearly a decade. Her initial reaction upon first hearing of online therapy was curiosity. She wondered the same things many therapists do when considering trying something new: How does this work? What can I expect? Is this vastly different than what I’m used to? What are the possible pros and cons?

Her digital therapy journey began shortly after having her first child. She longed for a more flexible work schedule that would allow her to be more present as a mother. A close friend of her, aware of her dilemma, passed along a link to an established Online Therapy company that was hiring. She jumped on the opportunity.

In her own words: “I was thrilled and terrified at the same time. Excited because of the potential I saw in this modality to better match my lifestyle, and scared because I didn’t know what the heck I was doing or what to expect. Like anyone in the throes of anxiety, off I went on a quest to attain certainty and reassurance.”

Since those first encounters she has learned a lot about Online Therapy. And she decided to share some of her her experiences with Online Therapy – primarily because she felt that it it may be of use to both therapy seekers and providers.

This is what she shared in her article:

“I’ll never forget how nervous I was. I was so worried it may be more difficult to accurately track shifting emotions, facial expressions, or body language via video chat. I was also concerned I may come across as more clinical, less warm or empathetic, making it more challenging to build rapport. I had conjured up these fears that since it was online, some crucial element would be missing—but I couldn’t pinpoint what that would be, exactly.

It was quickly revealed all these fears were unfounded. If anything, I find that both myself and the individuals I work with probably project more authentic versions of ourselves from the comfort of our own homes. The thing I place the most emphasis on—the integrity of the therapeutic relationship—is not diluted in any way because we are connecting through a screen. In fact, people often tell me that their online experience has been more satisfying than their previous in-person therapy.

Other beneficial aspects of Online Therapy include:

  • Flexibility in scheduling
  • Convenience, which seems to result in fewer cancellations than in face-to-face settings
  • Saving time from commuting to and from appointments
  • Generally less expensive than traditional therapy
  • Eliminates fears of running into known others in waiting area of therapy office
  • Potentially feeling more comfortable in a familiar setting, enhancing vulnerability and disclosure

Of course, there are disadvantages—perhaps the most notable being technological glitches such as inconsistency in internet connection strength or problems with the video chat platform. Understandably, frozen screens, echoing, low-resolution video feeds, and dropped calls are not conducive to the therapeutic experience. Internet strength, weather, and other variables all play a role in disruptions, and this is undeniably a con on both sides.

And as a consumer, in some cases it may be difficult to tell whether an online therapy service is credible, reputable, or safe to use. This is where it is important to do some research and insist on evidence of proper credentials.

As you can see, online therapy, like traditional therapy, is imperfect. Is it better or worse than face-to-face therapy? I’d say that depends on perception. Does it have limitations? Sure. But it does appear to be effective for a certain subset of the population (non-suicidal individuals or those not in the midst of a major crisis requiring more intense intervention).

The experience of online therapy is apparently a reinforcing one; otherwise, it wouldn’t be a rapidly expanding means of providing and receiving therapy. But I leave it to you to decide if Online Therapy is the right fit for you, either as a consumer or a provider. There is certainly more to say about this emerging field, but the parts I’ve shared are the ones that have impacted me the most. All I request, like the old saying goes, is “don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it.”

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